Emma’s work has been featured in various national magazines and in online publications. She continues to write articles based on yoga and its wider application to issues in society and everyday life. Here you will find articles on topics such as Yoga Philosophy, the 8 Limbs of Yoga, Yoga and Grief, Race and Privilege and Yoga Sequences. Emma's writing is heart-felt, deals with contemporary issues in an accessible and down to earth style, to which people can relate.

white and brown feather in a transparent glass

A Little Insight 2021

Why My Female Partner Dreads Entering Women’s Restrooms

A little Insight @a.little.insight is an online magazine sharing Emma's @emmaliveyoga personal piece.

We always travel together; by each other’s side through all our experiences. Having spent most of my life so far in a hetero-normative existence, to embark on my first relationship with a woman, who is now my fiancée, has been eye-opening to say the least.

Stepping aside from the fact that we are both tall, athletic looking women and in a mixed relationship, her being Eastern European and myself being biracial, we’re used to drawing attention. Since being in this relationship, I have witnessed first-hand levels of casual and cruel discrimination she has received after a fleeting glance and a judgement made based purely on her appearance.

BWY On The Pulse 2021/2020

Yoga and the LGBTQIA Community

(July 2021)

June is Pride Month, a celebration of the diversity of the LGBTQIA Community but Pride is also a protest, a demand for the rights and wellbeing of people who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual.

Empowerment in the Face of Adversity

(February 2021)

This online magazine features my article:

Empowerment in the Face of Adversity: The Case for Yoga by Emma Conally-Barklem

Black History Month

(November 2020)

This article is about Black History Month, Brit Bennett’s essay and my own family history.

Yoga and Grief

(September 2020)

This online magazine features an extract from my book which has the working title:

You Can’t Hug a Butterfly: Loss, Love, Grief and Yoga

'The Fragile Soul'

(July 2020)

Article on the murder of George Floyd and 'Black Lives Matter'

Spectrum Autumn 2020

Race, Micro-Aggressions and Subtle Forms

Emma recalls her experiences of gas lighting and micro-aggression in the yoga world as a mixed race yoga teacher.


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